About Pekabesko

Pekabesko AD from Skopje is a company with more than 40 years of experience, established as early as 1979.
The company has its roots in the branch office of the then largest agribusiness corporation PKB Belgrade, established in 1972. In 1991, PKB-Skopje became one of the first fully privatized companies in Macedonia. Its main business is production of processed meat, and distribution of food and cigarettes. In 1998, the company started production of processed meat under the Pekabesko brand. Today, the assortment of processed meat products includes various types of dry, smoked, and semi-dry cured products.

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What we offer

Pekabesko AD is a privately owned Macedonian company whose main business is the production of processed meat products and distribution of consumer goods.
Pekabesko AD has at its disposal human resources, technology, infrastructure, and equipment allowing it to take one of the leading positions in the production and distribution business sector in Macedonia. The best indicator of the company’s success in this area is the trust that a number of very well-known and global companies and brands are putting into Pekabesko, resulting in daily distribution and sales of over 400 different products on the domestic and regional market.